13 Clever Tips – How to search flights on AZair like Pro – Step by Step Guide!

Would you like to find extremely cheap flights around Europe or Asia? AZair is the best search engine for finding low-cost flight tickets.

Does AZair interface seem confusing to you? Read our step-by-step guide on how to search on AZair like a pro.

How to search on AZair – step by step

1) Choose a date range you want to fly

The first very useful feature of AZair search engine is the ability to search flight tickets in flexible dates.

Select the “Cheapest flight between dates” option and enter the earliest date you want to depart and the latest date to return. Also, enter the minimum and maximum number of days you want to spend on your vacation (including departure and arrival days).

AZair will find you all the cheapest flight tickets that meet your criteria.

AZair - Set up your date range
Set up your date range.

2) Choose multiple different airports

Not always are the cheapest flights from your nearest airport. There could be usually find very good deals from other nearby airports, where you can easily travel by bus or train.

Enter your departure destination on AZair and click on “Add more airports”. A list of the nearest airports will pop up and you can choose the ones that suit you (you can also search any other airport). You can do the same for the destination you want to fly to.

Just be aware that some airports are quite far from the city. Sometimes it may happen that transport from the airport to the city can cost as much as the entire flight ticket.

For example, London Stansted Airport is over an hour and a half away from the city center, and one way bus costs around £12, so you must add £24 to the ticket price. It’s similar in Barcelona with Girona Airport.

AZair - Choose multiple nearby airports
Choose multiple nearby airports.

3) Select specific days of the week

Do you want to fly over a long weekend and don’t care about the destination? No other search engine will help you find this option as easily as AZair.

Click on “Advanced Search Parameters” to select specific days for departure and return. For example, departure only on Thursday and Friday and return only on Sunday or Monday.

Again, you need to set a minimum and maximum number of days you want to stay.

AZair - Select specific days of the week.
Select specific days of the week.

4) Use “Anywhere” search option

If you know a date but not a particular destination where you want to go, there is nothing better than choosing a travel destination by flight ticket price.

Type “Anywhere” into destination and AZair will search for various destinations and rank the tickets by price. You can choose one that suits you.

AZair - Choose a destination by price.
Choose a destination by price.

5) Search to smart regions

Another useful feature of AZair search engine is the so-called “smart regions”. For example, would you like a beach vacation but don’t really care where? Enter “Mediterranean Coast” to destination and AZair will find you flights to all airports on the Mediterranean Sea.

For example, other smart regions are:

  • Greece: Islands
  • Scandinavia
  • Adriatic coast
  • Alps mountains
  • Arabian Peninsula
  • Baltic countries
  • Bavaria
  • Catalonia
  • Major European airports
  • Northern Italy
  • Mediterranean islands
  • And more …
Choosing smart regions.
Choosing smart regions.

Other setting options

AZair gives you a whole lot of other options to set up your search. Let’s have look at them:

1) Return – the same / different airports

By default, AZair searches for return tickets from the same departure and arrival airports.

If you deselect “to same depart airport”, AZair will also find tickets with return to different airports than the one you departed from (if you have selected multiple nearby airports).

If you deselect the option “from same arrival airport”, AZair will also find tickets departing from different airports other than the one from which you arrived.

different airport

2) Airline discount clubs

If you are a member of the Wizz Discount Club by Wizzair or Super Volotea, you can check this option and AZair will show the reduced price for club members.

3) Stop-over times

You can set the maximum and minimum stop-over time. The maximum is useful that you don’t have to wait too long at the airport. The minimum is there to have enough time to move between different airport terminals or have enough time for transfer even in the event of a delayed flight.

You can also set a longer stop-over and go for a walk or explore the city where you will be transferring.

4) Flight time

Another handy option is that you can choose your departure and arrival times. For example, you can choose to not fly too early in the morning or arrive late at night. Just set the “from – to” interval of arrival and departure times.

Stop over times

5) Waiting at the airport overnight

If you check this option, the AZair search engine will also find tickets with an overnight stop-over. You will have to sleep at the airport or find a hotel.

6) More settings:

  • Allow ground transfer between airports
  • Transfer only inside Schengen area
  • Number of travelers
  • Maximum number of transfers
  • Select currency
AZair - other settings

What to pay attention to with AZair?

1) Sufficient time for transfers

AZair only searches for flights from low-cost airlines and in most cases you will have to buy flights separately – one at a time. Therefore be careful to buy flights with enough time to transfer. In case of a missed transfer, it’s purely your responsibility and no one will replace your missed flight ticket.

2) AZair doesn’t operate worldwide

AZair is amazing for searching for flights around Europe. In addition, it’s also decent for flight tickets in the Middle East and Asia. You can see areas where AZair works well
on this map.

We recommend using Skyscanner.com on other areas.

Pros and cons of AZair

Pros of AZair:

  • Search anywhere and to smart regions
  • Enter multiple airports at once
  • Flexible dates and specific days of the week
  • Transfer times and departure times

Cons of AZair:

  • Only low-cost airlines
  • Doesn’t operate worldwide.
  • Purchasing tickets individually
  • It takes a while to learn the settings.

Read also our ultimate guide to searching for cheap flights:

Check this great video about finding cheap flights:

More tips for your travels:

We have prepared for you this comprehensive list of links, discounts, and resources for travel planning in one place. Bookmark this page and whenever you plan a vacation in the future, just open it and save yourself a lot of time.

1) Where to book accommodation?

2) How to find cheap flights?

3) How to rent a car?

  • We recommend a comparison portal RentalCars.com to compare the best offers of all available rental companies.

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How to Search Flights on AZair like a Pro – Step by Step Guide!

AZair – FAQ – často kladené otázky:

Je AZair the best search engine for lowcost flights?

It is not clear which search engine is best because different search engines are better for different situations. But AZair is definitely one of the best search engines. Read this ultimate guide to searching for cheap flights.

What are the pros and cons of AZair?

Pros of AZair:
1) Search anywhere and to smart regions
2) Enter multiple airports at once
3) Flexible dates and specific days of the week
4) Transfer times and departure times
Cons of AZair:
1) Only low-cost airlines
2) Doesn’t operate worldwide.
3) Purchasing tickets individually
4) It takes a while to learn the settings.

What to look out for when searching for tickets?

1) Avoid popular dates and holidays – tickets are significantly more expensive.
2) Beware of distant airports – some low-cost airlines fly to small airports away from the city and transportation will cost you extra time and money.
3) Check if baggage is included in the ticket price.
4) On low-cost flights, make sure you have enough time to transfer. Individual flights often have to be purchased separately and you do not have a guaranteed transfer.
Read this ultimate guide to searching for cheap flights.

How long in advance are flights the cheapest?

Flights are the cheapest 2-3 months before departure. However, this does not apply to various promotions and error rates.

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