193 Best Dog Puns: Fur-bulous and Ulti-Mutt Collection

Ulti-mutt collection of the best dog puns of all time! Paws what you’re doing and read these!

We have divided them into several categories such as fur, paw, ruff, bark, woof, puppy, names, and more jokes…

Enjoy this great in-fur-mation about dogs.

The Best of the Best Dog Puns

  1. What do you call a dog magician? A labrabacadadbrador!
  2. The dog picnic quickly turned into a Bark-B-Q!
  3. What is a pup’s favorite superhero? Labra-thor.
  4. Anything is paw-sible when you have a dog.
  5. I’m so paw-ssionate about dogs!
  6. What does a dog like to eat for breakfast? Woofles.
  7. He loves pup-eroni pizza.
  8. How does a Spanish dog say Merry Christmas? Feliz navi-dog.
  9. It’s raining cats and dogs. That’s fine, as long as it doesn’t reindeer.
  10. He was fur-bidden from playing with the dog.
  11. My dog loves poetry. Especially William Shakes-paw.
  12. I’ll collie you later.
  13. Happy Anni-fur-sary!
  14. Remain paws-itive!
  15. How are these dog puns? Some of them are ruff. But a few of them have pet-tential!
  16. Happy Howlidays!
  17. What’s a pup’s favorite action flick? Jurassic Bark!
  18. What’s your dog’s favorite Pink Floyd album? Bark Side of the Moon.
  19. My dog likes to eat pup-corn at movies.
  20. He’s the most pup-ular dog at the park.
  21. Dog’s favorite US president? Bark Obama.
  22. My dog is getting promoted. He is going to be assistant branch manager.
  23. What’s the dog’s most favorite poem? Beowoof.
Dog Puns 

Fur Dog Puns

  1. I am fur-ever yours.
  2. I had completely fur-gotten to brush his coat.
  3. I love you, fur real.
  4. I will never fur-get you.
  5. Happy Anni-fur-sary.
  6. It was hard to fur-give him after that.
  7. I’m so fur-tunate to have you in my life.
  8. My dog is my best fur-end.
  9. Did you enjoy these puns? If so, then thanks fur reading!
  10. He was fur-bidden from playing with the dog.
  11. My dog’s favorite movie is Trans-fur-mers.
  12. That collar made the dog so uncomfurtable.
  13. That dog was sassy and fur-ocious!
  14. That is good in-fur-mation about dogs.
  15. This is the fur-st dog she’s ever had.
  16. This place seems so fur-miliar.
  17. We should hire a photograph-fur to take pictures of our pup.
  18. You are fur-bulous.
Dog Puns 

Ruff Dog Puns

  1. Today has been ruff.
  2. He’s not a bad dog. He’s just a little ruff around the edges.’
  3. I ruff you very much.
  4. Pardon the inter-ruff-tion.
  5. Those puppies sure love ruff-housing.
  6. We needed a rufferee to keep the players in check.
  7. How are we doing with these dog puns? Some of them are ruff. But a few of them have pet-tential!
  8. Why wasn’t the dog a smooth talker? Because he couldn’t stop saying “ruff ruff”.
Dog Puns 

Paw Dog Puns

  1. Here’s your perfect op-paw-tunity.
  2. Paw-don me if I’m being rude
  3. I’m not in a pawsition to comment on that.
  4. I painted my dog’s nails So he can look paw-ty.
  5. I’m so paw-ssionate about dogs!
  6. Anything is paw-sible when you have a dog.
  7. I’ve got the paw-er! (power).
  8. Dogs are the most loyal creatures on earth – completely devoted to their dog-ma and paw.
  9. Let’s give the dogs a big round of ap-paws.
  10. Looking for some great dog puns? Then paws what you’re doing and read these!
  11. Love long and paws-prer.
  12. My dog loves poetry. Especially William Shakes-paw.
  13. Oh, paw-lease.
  14. Please be paw-lite.
  15. Remain paws-itive!
  16. She saw an oppawtunity to start a new pet business.
  17. Sorry, we missed puppy class. My dog was wagging. There goes his oppawtunity for pawfect attendance…
  18. The dog barked all night without any paws.
  19. The dog names were recorded for pawsterity.
  20. The hotel said NO DOGS ALLOWED. I guess it was a little too paw-sh.
  21. This is a-paw-ling (appalling!)
  22. We just got pawsession of a new dog.
  23. We’re moving too fast, we need to put things on paws (pause)
  24. What did the dog owner say to her new puppy? “You are so paw-fect. I will love you fur-ever!”
  25. What did the dog say before he left for work? “Just another day at the paw-ffice!”
  26. Why did the dog go to the club? To raise the woof! He wanted to paw-ty!
  27. Why did the dog go to the bank? To make a de-paws-it.

Must Read: 205 Best Cat Puns That Are Simply Paw-some!

Dog Puns 

Bark Dog Puns

  1. The dog picnic quickly turned into a Bark-B-Q!
  2. He’s barking up the wrong tree.
  3. Remember to put the car in bark.
  4. What’s your dog’s favorite Pink Floyd album? Bark Side of the Moon.
  5. The dog couldn’t remember where he parked his car in the barking lot.
  6. The dog was so smart it majored in bark-eology.
  7. What did Darth Vader name his son? Luke Skybarker.
  8. Puppy’s most favorite writer? Bark Twain
  9. Why did the dog fail his driving test? Because he couldn’t parallel bark.
  10. My dog loves Star Wars. His favorite character is Chew-bark-a.
  11. What’s a pup’s favorite action flick? Jurassic Bark!
  12. Dog’s favorite US president? Bark Obama

Woof Dog Puns

  1. What does a dog like to eat for breakfast? Woofles.
  2. Let’s raise the woof!
  3. My dog is very poor. He can’t afford a “woof” over his head.
  4. My dog wants to be a tradesman. I think he wants to be a woof-er.
  5. The dog was extra loud with its subwoofer.
  6. What’s the dog’s most favorite poem? Beowoof
  7. What do you call a dog from the Wild West? Clint Eastwoof.

Read also: 153 Un-bee-lievably Bee-autiful Bee Puns!

Dog Puns 

Howl Dog Puns

  1. Happy Howl-o-ween to our dog friends!
  2. Happy Howlidays!
  3. Howl I ever live without you?
  4. Howl you doin?
  5. That dog is so noisy. Howl it stay quiet when you’re gone?
  6. Andy Warhowl
  7. Dwight D. EisenHowler

Hound Dog Puns

  1. He’s really hounding me for treats.
  2. I told you I’d get it done on time. Quit hounding me.
  3. Just need a cup of earl greyhound tea every day.
  4. What dog does Dracula own? A blood-hound.
  5. It wasn’t hounded to me on a silver platter.
  6. A bird in the hound is worth two in the bush.
  7. This is getting out of hound.
  8. We’ve got the upper hound.
  9. In the palm of your hound.
  10. Right hound man.
  11. Take your hound in marriage.

Puppy Dog Puns

  1. Going camping? Make sure you have a pup tent.
  2. He loves pup-eroni pizza
  3. He’s the most pup-ular dog at the park.
  4. I’m one classy mother pupper.
  5. That dog was so cold, he was a pup-sicle!
  6. My dog likes to eat pup-corn at movies
  7. She went on pup-ternity leave when she got a new dog.
  8. The dog is so popular that the pup-arazzi took its photo.
  9. The dog was pup and running in no time.

Read Also: 155 Best Cow Puns that are Simply Legen-dairy!

Dog Puns 

Pug Dog Puns

  1. Every fall, everywhere, dogs drink pugkin spice lattes!
  2. We have to throw out the mattress. We have bed-Pugs.
  3. Have you had a bad day? Just pug-get about it.
  4. He rode the pug boat across the water.
  5. I just want to curl up and puggle with my dog.
  6. I’m all about the pug life.
  7. People who hate dogs are re-pug-nant.
  8. Like a square pug in a round hole.
  9. Don’t try to pug the blame on me!

Terrier Dog Puns

  1. My dog makes me smiles from ear terrier (ear to ear)
  2. Mistakes happen. No need to terrier-self up about it.
  3. My dog is such a terrier-ist.
  4. Reign of terrier.
  5. Don’t terrier self up about it.

Mutt Dog Puns

  1. Nothing mutt-ers as much as you.
  2. There mutt be a chance my dog isn’t a purebred.
  3. You’re the ulti-mutt dog mom.
  4. I like big mutts and I cannot lie.
  5. Mutt as well do that!
  6. It mutt have been worse.
  7. What did the dog say to its Valentine? I’m mutts about you!

Read also: 235 Best Dog Captions for Instagram

193 Best Dog Puns

Other Breeds Puns

  1. Yes, they Maltese-d his hair at the groomer’s.
  2. He’s Great Dane-gerous.
  3. What is a pup’s favorite superhero? Labra-thor.
  4. Where can I buy an intelligent pup? Near the Border of Colliefornia.
  5. The dog was so artistic, it liked to Labradoodle in its notebook.
  6. My dog’s favorite band is The Beagles.
  7. Don’t stop retrieving. Hold on to that feline.
  8. What do you call a dog magician? A labrabacadadbrador!
  9. We have to throw out the mattress. We have bed-Pugs.
  10. My dog’s not fat, she’s just a little Husky.
  11. Retriever? I hardly know her.
  12. My dog went on his first date. But she was a mal-TEASE.
  13. The Dalmatian hid from people because he didn’t want to be spotted.
  14. I don’t give a pit.
  15. You have the Corg-key to my heart.
  16. He’s doing a thorough Lab report.
  17. You have the corg-key to my heart
  18. I call bull-Shih Tzu.
193 Best Dog Puns (1)

Dog Names

  1. 50 Scent
  2. Andy War-Howl
  3. Bark Obama
  4. Bark Twain
  5. Beowoof
  6. Bilbo Waggins
  7. Bill Furry
  8. Brad Pitbull
  9. Britney Ears
  10. Catherine Zeta-Bones
  11. Chewbarka
  12. Clint Eastwoof
  13. Droolius Caesar
  14. Dumbledog
  15. Dwight D. EisenHowler
  16. Franz Fur-dinand
  17. Fuzz Alrdrin
  18. Fyodor Dogstoevsky
  19. George Bernard Paw
  20. Hairy Paw-ter
  21. Indiana Bones
  22. Jennifer Pawrence
  23. JK Growling
  24. Kareem Abdul Ja-Bark
  25. Karl Barx
  26. Katy Hairy
  27. Katy Pawry
  28. Luke Skybarker
  29. Ma Barker
  30. Mary Puppins
  31. Ozzy Pawsborne
  32. Pablo Escobark
  33. Paw-casso
  34. Queen Elizabark
  35. Ron Fleasly
  36. Salvador Dogi
  37. Sarah Jessica Barker
  38. Sherlock Bones
  39. Sir Arthur Canine Doyle
  40. The Notorious D.O.G.
  41. Virginia Woof
  42. William Shakes-paw
  43. Winnie the Pooch
  44. Winston Furchill

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193 Best Dog Puns

Fur Dog Puns

Paw Dog Puns

Bark Dog Puns

Dog Names

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