153 Best Bee Puns That Are Un-bee-lievably Bee-autiful!

Un-bee-lievably funny collection of the best bee puns of all time! Those bee puns are not shab-bee! Simply read the puns you will buzz about.

We have divided them into several categories such as sting, hive, honey, buzz, swarm, etc.

Welcome to a hive of sweet pun-making in honor of the bee.

The Best Bee Puns

  1. A wasp is nothing more than a wanna-bee.
  2. A bee that will not stop eating will eventually become a little chub-bee.
  3. A bee that’s been enchanted has been bee-witched!
  4. What’s the one thing bees never forget to bring to the beach? Fris-bees.
  5. That bee is talking way too quietly. She must be a mumble-bee!
  6. That ostentatious wasp is simply a snob-bee.
  7. While consuming their sushi, a bee likes to have Wasa-bee!
  8. The only one who can protect the Queen Bee is her hub-bee.
  9. Bees that are born in the month of May are considered to be May-Bees.
  10. What do you call a bee that can’t make up its mind?
    A may-bee.
  11. What do you call a bee that lives in America?
    A USB.
  12. What’s a bee’s favourite sport?
  13. What’s a bee’s favorite flower?
  14. Female bees have a particular love for ru-bee rings.
  15. You’re bee-autiful!
  1. What do they call a bee that doesn’t stop talking?
  2. What’s a bumblebee’s blood type?
    Bee positive!
  3. What bee keeps you healthy? Vitamin Bee.
  4. What do you call a bee that doesn’t cost anything?
    A free-bee.
  5. What do you call a bee having a bad hair day?
    A frizz-bee.
  6. Which bee gives you a second chance?
    The plan bee.
  7. What do you call a bee thats returned from the dead?
    A zom-bee.
  8. What do you call a bee that’s a sore loser?
    A cry bay-bee!
  9. What do you call a bee who doesn’t show off?
    A humble bee.
  10. I know that I have never seen a humming bird, but I certainly did see a spelling bee.
  11. If you have a bee in your hand, what do you have in your eye?
    Beauty. Because beauty is in the eye of the bee-holder.
  12. What TV channel do Canadian bees watch?
    See, bee, see!
  13. I went to the bee store because I wanted 12 bees. But the cashier gave me 13 – he said it was a free bee.
  14. Never play hide and seek with the swarm because they will always wind up bee-hind you.
Best Bee Puns

Bee Puns #buzz

  1. How do bee boys and girls get to school?
    They take the buzz.
  2. On the first day of class, bee students receive a sylla-buzz.
  3. What do bees say to one another when they land on the same flower?
    Buzzzz off!
  4. A bee that is proficient in mathematics knows precisely what a rhom-buzz happens to be.
  5. A bee’s favorite haircut is a buzz cut!
  6. A combination of a bumble bee and a race dog will give you a Greyhound Buzz.
  7. Here’s my number. Give me a buzz and I’ll bee yours.
  8. The killer bee was so effective because he used a large buzz-ooka.
  9. That bee certainly deserved the promotion at work, he was always so buzzy on the job.
  10. They asked the beekeeper to move his business out of town because he was creating quite a buzz around town.
  11. The bee who loved to fly backwards would often be heard going zzub zzub zzub.
  12. Why do bees buzz?
    Because they can’t whistle.
  13. Why do bees do so well in job interviews?
    They know all the good buzzwords.
  14. What do you get if you cross a horse with a bee?
    Neigh buzz.

Bee Puns #hive

  1. After the bee scored the winning basketball shot, the entire team wanted to give him a hive-five.
  2. The benefits of having a hive is un-bee-lievable.
  3. Where does a bee keep its old hives?
    In a wax museum.
  4. What did the teach say to the bad bee?
    “Bee-hive yourself.”
  5. Where did Noah keep his bees?
    In the ark hives.
  6. How does a queen bee get around her hive?
    She’s throne.
  7. Why did the bee go to the dermatologist?
    It had hives.
  8. The worst part about getting stung by bees?
  9. What did the bee girlfriend say in return?
    “Hive never felt this way bee-fore.”
  10. What do you call a bee that never quite got into the hive?
    A wanna-bee!
Best Bee Puns

Bee Puns #sting

  1. Bee puns are really going to sting.
  2. There’s something bee-tween us and it’s not just your stinger.
  3. Where do worker bees go on vacation?
  4. What do you get if you cross a bee and a skunk?
  5. An animal that stings and stinks.
  6. What is the last thing to go through a bee’s mind when it hits a windshield?
    Its stinger.

Bee Puns #honey

  1. A bee styles their hair with a honeycomb.
  2. Only those bees with the best bee-havior are allowed to go to the hive and make honey.
  3. What do unionized bees ask for?
    More honey and shorter working flowers.
  4. How do bees make money? 
    They cell their honey!
  5. Why do bees get married?
    Because they found their honey!
  6. Where do bees keep their savings?
    In a honey box.
  7. The bee bank robber told the tellers, “Your honey or your life.”.
  8. The bee desired to use the smartphone for saying hi to his honey.
  9. The single bee eventually tied the knot since he came across his honey.
  10. Just like humans, bees love the honey-moon part of their relationships more than anything else.
  11. When a dad bee leaves the house, do you think the mum see says Honeycomb home?
Best Bee Puns

Bee Puns #swarm        

  1. The swarm will always wind up bee-hind you.
  2. As soon as the bees were finished making their hive they threw a big house swarming party for the rest of the group.
  3. Bees love the summer because its swarm outside.
  4. We always buy our natural honey from the same bees because they always give us their swarm wishes.
  5. What is a swarm of really small queen bees called?
    The royal we.

Short Bee Puns

  1. Always bee yourself.
  2. Bee mine.
  3. Bee my love.
  4. Bee the change you want to see.
  5. Buzz off!
  6. Give me a hive five!
  7. Go away, I want to bee alone.
  8. Hive a nice day!
  9. Honey, I’m home!
  10. Honey, I’m stuck on you.
  11. Honey, you’re the bees knees.
  12. I can’t help pollen in love with you.
  13. I can’t bee-lieve how sweet you are.
  14. I don’t hive a clue!
  15. Let’s get together and cross pollinate.
  16. Let’s make a bee-line for the bedroom.
  17. Mind your own beeswax.
  18. Quit pollen my leg.
  19. That posh wasp is just plain snob-bee!
  20. We were always meant to bee.
  21. A force to bee reckoned with.
Best Bee Puns and jokes

Bee Puns on music and poetry

  1. What’s a bee’s favorite novel?
    The Great Gats-bee.
  2. Who’s Mama Bee’s favorite singer?
  3. Who’s a bee’s favorite painter?
    Pablo Bee-casso.
  4. Who’s a bee’s favorite singer?
  5. Who’s a bee’s favorite band?
    Bee Gees.
  6. What’s a bee’s favorite Spice Girls song?
  7. Who is the bees favourite composer?
  8. What was the hive’s favourite Shakespeare line?
    “To bee or not to bee.”
  9. Hey! Hey! You! You! I don’t like your bee-friend.
  10. When a bee writes a sonnet, they’re waxing poetic.
  11. Bees all loved The Beatles and their “Let it Bee” album.

More Bee Puns

  1. A Queen Bee will only eat hum-burgers at Burger King.
  2. Say, these bee puns aren’t too shab-bee.
  3. When you cross a doorbell and a bee you wind up with a hum-dinger.
  4. You’re so bee-autiful that every day with you is like a honeymoon.
  5. What’s another name for a baby bee?
    A little hum-bug.
  6. What’s a bee’s weapon of choice?
  7. The beebee gun.
  8. What did the businesswoman say?
    “We’re in bees-ness now!”
  9. What do you call a ghost bee?
    A boo bee.
  10. What do you call bees that constantly drop things?
    Fumble bees!
  11. What do you call a bee that needs a drink?
Best Bee Puns

Bee Jokes

  1. What’s black and yellow and flies at 30,000 feet?
    A bee on an airplane.
  2. The bees went on strike because they wanted more honey and less working flowers.
  3. What do you call a Bee that works for the government?
    A pollentician.
  4. What buzzes, is black and yellow and goes along the bottom of the sea?
    A bee in a submarine.
  5. What happens to a bee that belches near the queen bee?
    It gets a royal pardon.
  6. A bumblebee, a spelling bee and a vitamin B got in a fight.
    The vitamin B1.
  7. Are you a flower?
    Because I wanna help you pollinate.
  8. What’s the one thing bees never forget to bring to the beach?
  9. What did the one bee say to the prankster bee?
    Quit pollen my leg.
  10. What is worse than beeing a fool?
    Fooling a bee.
  11. What’s bee’s favorite kind of candy?
    Bumble gum.
  1. Why did the queen bee kick out all the male bees?
    Well, it was fall. And the males were droning on and on and on.
  2. What does the queen bee say to the worker bees?
    You should bee more productive.
  3. What kind of bees are the smartest?
    Spelling bees.
  4. What did the teacher bee say to their students?
    Bee on your best bee-haviour!
  5. Why do bees have sticky hair?
    Because they use honey combs.
  6. A man who went into a pet shop and said “I’d like to buy a bee please.” “A bee? we don’t sell bees.”
    “Well you’ve got one in your window … ”
  7. What would bears be without bees?
    Just ears.
  8. Why did the bee live through the winter?
    Because it wore a yellow jacket.
  9. What’s the bee professor say when a student asks how much their midterm counts towards their grade?
    “It’s on the sylla-buzz!”
  10. Why was the bee fired from the barber shop?
    He only knew how to give a buzz-cut.
  11. What do you call a beehive with no exits?
  12. When Langstroth invented the modern beehive, there were a lot of old fashioned beekeepers who didn’t think it would work. They were skep-tics.
Best Bee Puns

One Liners

  1. If you were a bee, I’d keep you.
  2. These bee puns are just winging it.
  3. A tiny chub-bee happens to be a bee that is not going to stop consuming.
  4. Did you know that bears without ears are commonly referred to as B’s.
  5. You’re so hot, you make my colony collapse.
  6. Remember, bee puns are good for your health, they give you a dose of Vitamin Bee!
  7. Roses are red, violets are blue, killer bees are all over you.
  8. Bees can fly in the rain if they are wearing their little yellow jackets.
  9. The little bees are always humming because they forgot the words to the song.
  10. The male bee was such a romantic, he kept pollen in love with all the female bees.
  11. Pollinate me.
  12. Wasp are you talking about?
  13. You must take care of bees because you’re definitely a keeper.
  14. What did the bee say to the flower? Hey bud!
  15. Remember, if you offend an audience of beekeepers you may hear some veiled threats.

More Puns Collections:

10 Fascinating Facts About Bees

10 Fascinating Honey Bee Facts You Didn’t Know

From Visually.

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