175 Best Horse Names You Can Use to Name Your Darling

Are you wondering, how to name your horse? Check our ultimate collection of the best horse names that will help you to find the perfect fit for your darling.

We have divided these names for horses into several categories – the most popular, female (mares), male, baby, racing, different colors, funny, elegant, and more… You can jump to those categories in the table of contents:

The Most Popular Names for Horses

  1. Bella
  2. Alex
  3. Lilly
  4. Fancy
  5. Sugar
  6. Lady
  7. Tucker
  8. Dakota
  9. Cash
  10. Daisy
  11. Spirit
  12. Cisco
  13. Annie
  14. Buddy
  15. Whiskey
  16. Chance
  17. Blue
  18. Molly
  19. Ginger
  20. Gypsy
  21. Charlie
  22. Ranger
  23. Star
  24. Willow
  25. Lacey
  26. Scout
  27. Lucky
  28. Ellie
  29. Belle
  30. Lucy
Female Horse Names

Female Horse Names (for Mares)

  1. Alexia
  2. Annie
  3. Beauty
  4. Bella
  5. Chance
  6. Cheyenne
  7. Clara
  8. Clover
  9. Daisy
  10. Dakota
  11. Dancer
  12. Ella
  13. Ellie
  14. Emma
  15. Gloria
  16. Goldie
  17. Grace
  18. Hazel
  19. Honey
  20. Hope
  21. Jane
  22. Jewel
  23. Kylie
  24. Lacey
  25. Lady
  26. Lilly
  27. Lucy
  28. Luna
  29. Prada
  30. Princess
  31. Rose
  32. Rosie
  33. Ruby
  34. Scarlet
  35. Starlight
  36. Summer
  37. Sundance
  38. Tess
  39. Willow
  40. Winnie
Best Horse Names

Male Horse Names

  1. Ace
  2. Alex
  3. Amigo
  4. Applejack
  5. Austin
  6. Billy
  7. Blackjack
  8. Blaze
  9. Bruno
  10. Buck
  11. Buddy
  12. Cash
  13. Chief
  14. Cody
  15. Cowboy
  16. Danny
  17. Deputy
  18. George
  19. Hercules
  20. Hero
  21. Jack
  22. Jasper
  23. Johnny
  24. Lucky
  25. Magic
  26. Mercedes
  27. Patrick
  28. Pirate
  29. Ranger
  30. Rascal
  31. Rebel
  32. Rocky
  33. Scout
  34. Shadow
  35. Sheriff
  36. Spirit
  37. Star
  38. Storm
  39. Tucker
  40. Yankee
Horse Names

Baby Horse Names

  1. Baby Doll
  2. Bambino
  3. Betty
  4. Bunny
  5. Buttons
  6. Candy
  7. Charlie Brown
  8. Cookie
  9. Dolly
  10. Innocence
  11. Kitty
  12. Kokomo
  13. Lolita
  14. Lollipop
  15. Millie
  16. Misty
  17. Mona
  18. Olaf
  19. Pippi
  20. Rose
  21. Rose
  22. Rosie
  23. Teddy
  24. Thelwell
  25. Young
Baby Horse Names

Race / Racing Horse Names

  1. Billie Jean
  2. Blazer
  3. Bolt
  4. Challenger
  5. Diesel
  6. Fargo
  7. Flying Ebony
  8. Gunpowder
  9. Hollyhock
  10. Jet
  11. Jupiter
  12. King
  13. Man O’ War
  14. Mustang
  15. Officer
  16. Pharaoh
  17. Quarterback
  18. Rider
  19. Rushmore
  20. Texas
  21. Trigger
  22. Twenty Grand
  23. Victory
  24. War Admiral
  25. Wildfire
Racing Horse Names

White Horse Names

  1. Angel
  2. Ballerina
  3. Blanca
  4. Butter
  5. Camellia
  6. Celestial
  7. Champagne
  8. Cloud
  9. Coconut
  10. Cold
  11. Cotton
  12. Cream
  13. Crystal
  14. Heaven
  15. Ice Cube
  16. Light
  17. Luna
  18. Lune
  19. Milky Way
  20. Popcorn
  21. Snowball
  22. Snowy
  23. Sugar
  24. Vanilla
  25. Whitewater
Horse Names

Black Horse Names

  1. Ace of Spades
  2. Atlantic Black
  3. Back Magic
  4. Blackberry
  5. Bagheera
  6. Bandit
  7. Batman
  8. Black and Tan
  9. Black Caviar
  10. Black Cloud
  11. Black Winter
  12. Blackie
  13. Caviar
  14. Dark Knight
  15. Domino 
  16. Ebony
  17. Jaguar
  18. Midnight
  19. Midnight Express
  20. Noir
  21. Onyx
  22. Oreo
  23. Pirate
  24. Solar Eclipse
  25. Zorro
Male Horse Names

Grey Horse Names

  1. Akela
  2. Apache
  3. Artax
  4. Asher
  5. Badger
  6. Baloo
  7. Defrost
  8. Dusty
  9. Graphite
  10. Grayson
  11. Iron
  12. Knight
  13. Lacey
  14. Luna
  15. Misty
  16. Nickel
  17. Pepper
  18. Powder
  19. Shadowfax
  20. Silver
  21. Smokey
  22. Snowball
  23. Steele
  24. Stone
  25. Storm
Female Horse Names

Brown Horse Names

  1. Adobe
  2. Autumn
  3. Bear
  4. Beaver
  5. Big Brown
  6. Brandy
  7. Bronze
  8. Brown Beauty
  9. Brownie
  10. Chocolate
  11. Cinnamon
  12. Cleveland
  13. Cougar
  14. Fiona
  15. Fudge
  16. Hawk
  17. Kit Kat
  18. Nuts
  19. Opie
  20. Peter Pan
  21. Pippi Longstocking
  22. Russell
  23. Teddy Bear
  24. Toffe
  25. Whisky
Funny Horse Names

Elegant Horse Names

  1. Acapella
  2. Alexandrite
  3. Amethyst
  4. Arabella
  5. Aurora
  6. Belle
  7. Bonny
  8. Bruno
  9. Carolina
  10. Cleopatra
  11. Enchantress
  12. Espana
  13. Fiona
  14. Goldie
  15. Harmony
  16. Isabelle
  17. Lady
  18. Lilly
  19. Lucy
  20. Mona
  21. Morgan
  22. Prada
  23. Rosette
  24. Vanderbilt
  25. Versailles
Names for Horses

Cool Horse Names

  1. American Pharaoh
  2. Artax
  3. Barbaro
  4. Bartholomew
  5. Best Mate
  6. Clodhopper
  7. Crouching Tiger
  8. Gallant Fox
  9. Geronimo
  10. Heisenberg
  11. Lord Murphy
  12. Lumber Jack
  13. Magnolia
  14. Marley
  15. Rainbow Unicorn
  16. Running River
  17. Rusty Saddle
  18. Seattle Slew
  19. Sitting Bull
  20. Star Dancer
  21. Velvet
  22. War Admiral
  23. Washington
  24. Whirlaway
  25. Wintergreen
Names for Horses

Unique Horse Names

  1. Aldebaran
  2. Bucephalus
  3. Chardonneigh
  4. Dagobaz
  5. Desert Orchid
  6. Gabilan
  7. Gallo
  8. Genuine Risk
  9. Hayagriva
  10. Hengroen
  11. Hidalgo
  12. Hortense
  13. Huaso
  14. Incitatus
  15. Lholstomer
  16. Llamrei
  17. Marengo
  18. Merrylegs
  19. Neighzle
  20. Porkpie
  21. Tencendur
  22. Topthorn
  23. Trotti
  24. Veillantif
  25. Yulong
Horse Names

Funny Horse Names

  1. Al Capony
  2. Bitney Spursbuster
  3. Broomstick
  4. Bunny Killer
  5. Chuck Horris
  6. David Hasselhoofs
  7. Flopsy
  8. Forrest Jump
  9. Foxtrot
  10. Frankenstein
  11. Hannibal Lector
  12. Harry Trotter
  13. Hermioneigh
  14. Hoofer
  15. Houdini
  16. Klip Klop
  17. Maple Stirrup
  18. Nightmare
  19. Nipper
  20. Overbite
  21. Pants
  22. Pony Soprano
  23. Trojan Horse
  24. Usain Colt
  25. Whiskers
Horse Names

Cute Horse Names

  1. Amigo
  2. Angelo
  3. Anne
  4. Ballerina
  5. Beautiful
  6. Bella
  7. Bliss
  8. Blossom
  9. Breeze
  10. Capella
  11. Charm
  12. Charming
  13. Dancer
  14. Glory
  15. Honeymoon
  16. Ivory
  17. Jasmine
  18. Lovely
  19. Melody
  20. Midnight Sun
  21. Molly
  22. Patience
  23. Prince
  24. Sueno
  25. Sweety
Horse Names

Indian Horse Names

  1. Apache
  2. Bonney
  3. Bronco
  4. Calamity
  5. Cash
  6. Champ
  7. Cherokee
  8. Chisholm
  9. Comanche
  10. Dakota
  11. Dale
  12. Gene
  13. Navajo
  14. Nevada
  15. Oakley
  16. Pocahontas
  17. Rio
  18. Rodeo
  19. Running River
  20. Sequoia
  21. Sioux
  22. Tony
  23. Trigger
  24. White Hawk
  25. Wrangler
Horse Names

Strong and Bossy Names

  1. Ace
  2. Bandit
  3. Barkley
  4. Big Ben
  5. Blizzard
  6. Boots
  7. Boxer
  8. Brave
  9. Diablo
  10. Dynamite
  11. El Jefe
  12. Excalibur
  13. Flame
  14. Force
  15. Fury
  16. Goliath
  17. Hercules
  18. Hero
  19. Major
  20. Napoleon
  21. Ninja
  22. Queen
  23. Tiger
  24. Volcano
  25. Warrior
Horse Names

Names for Horses after Famous Personalities

  1. Armstrong
  2. Bard
  3. Beckham
  4. Beethoven
  5. Chopin
  6. Da Vinci
  7. Darwin
  8. Diana
  9. Dickinson
  10. Edison
  11. Gandhi
  12. Garfield
  13. Guinness
  14. Hawking
  15. Jackson
  16. Lincoln
  17. McCartney
  18. Mona
  19. Mozart
  20. Newton
  21. Picasso
  22. Queen Elizabeth
  23. Rembrandt
  24. Sullivan
  25. Wilde
Names for Horses

Traveler Names for Horses

  1. Alaska
  2. Beijing
  3. Berlin
  4. Boston
  5. Carolina
  6. Grenada
  7. Guayana
  8. India
  9. London
  10. Malibu
  11. Montana
  12. Morocco
  13. Niagara
  14. Pacific
  15. Paris
  16. Passport
  17. Porto
  18. Santiago
  19. Sicily
  20. Sydney
  21. Utah
  22. Vancouver
  23. Vegas
  24. Verona
  25. Yosemite

Names for Horses Generator

Aren’t these names enough? You can also try this horse name generator.

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Best Horse Names

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Names for a Racing Horse

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